Tuesday, June 05, 2018 by Zoey Sky
Once you decide where you’re going to start a survival garden in your homestead, you will have to figure out which vegetables you’re going to grow in it. (h/t to ModernSurvivalBlog.com)
But before you make your choice, consider the soil quality and the calories that the vegetables will contain. If you want to start a vegetable garden so you can cut back on the grocery bills and have a steady food source if and when SHTF, it’s best to maximize the caloric return for the time and effort it will take to cultivate it.
For a garden that’s being cultivated for survival and self-sufficiency, the vegetables that you’re going to plant must contain enough calories to keep you and your whole family energized.
While some vegetables are low in calories, there are several that are full of calories. (Related: 12 potentially life-threatening errors you’re making in food preparedness and survival strategies.)
The vegetables included in the list below have been normalized to 100 grams (3.5 ounces). Do take note that some of the items in the list are not usually consumed in these amounts and that nutrition is not accounted for in this list.
The results will help you determine how much calorie a certain vegetable contains.
The food calorie data for each vegetable was determined based on how they are usually consumed. For example, some vegetables are consumed raw while others are served boiled, etc.
Here are other vegetables that you can grow in your survival garden:
When SHTF, it’s important to consider the calorie content of the vegetables in your garden and their shelf life. Growing the right kinds of vegetables can significantly increase your chance of surviving anything that comes your way, be it a drought or an economic collapse.
You can learn more about survival gardening at FoodCollapse.com.
Sources include:
Tagged Under: Tags: bug out, calories, clean foods, Collapse, disaster, food independence, food supply, fresh produce, garden vegetables, gardening, green living, Homestead, homesteading, nutrition, off grid, organics, preparedness, prepper, prepping, self-reliance, self-sufficient, SHTF, storable food, survival, survival garden, survivalist, sustainable living, vegetables