News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
Globalist media ordered to start pushing cannibalism as a food source; planetary collapse of Earth’s biosphere is now being engineered
This is an abbreviated story format to bring you the most important highlights you need to know. Item 1: The mainstream media has been ordered to start promoting cannibalism A Swedish scientist is now promoting the “food of the future” … and it’s dead humans. And yes, just as you suspected, eating dead humans is […]
By Mike Adams
Greenpeace co-founder echoes Health Ranger warning: AOC’s Green New Deal is deadly, “Half the population will die”
Patrick Moore is the co-founder of Greenpeace, one of the best-known environmental groups in the world. Over the last week, Moore has lashed out against the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “Green New Deal,” explaining it would be the “end of civilization” and warning that “half the population will die.” Patrick Moore: The Green New Deal will be […]
By Mike Adams
Behold, a pale horse? How the “green” environmental movement may be the Biblical Fourth Seal of an End Times global death cult
According to Biblical scholars, there are four “horsemen” that represent four of the Seals prophesied in the Book of Revelation, which describes the complete destruction of human civilization as God’s wrath is unleashed upon those who serve Satan. The fourth of these horsemen is known as “Death,” and it is usually described as a horseman […]
By Mike Adams
Trump administration proposes amazing solution for food stamp recipients: American-grown “Harvest Box” food deliveries to our poorest families
The Trump administration is truly reforming America one program at a time with innovative, “genius” ideas that benefit everyone. Trump’s latest innovation? The USDA “Harvest Box” idea. Here’s how it works: Under the “Harvest Box” program, food stamp recipients who are currently spending their government SNAP money would receive half of that credit in fresh […]
By Mike Adams
The global ecosystem is rapidly collapsing… insect biomass plummets 75% in one generation… scientists warn of “decimation”… humanity may not survive much longer
For years, I’ve warned that humanity is a suicide cult which has engineered its own destruction by relentlessly poisoning the natural world with chemical pesticides, heavy metals and GMOs. Now, the collapse of living systems across the planet is accelerating like never before, with ocean fisheries collapsing by the day, topsoil vanishing by the inch, […]
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